New Campaign: Deadlands

My online RPG group has unfortunately been put on indefinite hiatus due to health problems I’ve been having since the end of last year. (Right before I was going to start my Kingmaker campaign, too.) This led to a dearth of rpg content in my life. I tried to balance it out with a playthrough of the Dragon Age series, but that could only do so much.

Luckily, however, the problems that keep me from running my online game don’t really extend to playing in an in person game. With Josh moving back into in person range, it was inevitable that we’d try to play with dice and minis on a table again.

The result is this:

A Deadlands campaign that Josh is running. This will also be the first recorded game I’m a player in that’s being made public.

I’m slicing each session into smaller bites to see if shorter videos might get some more traction on YouTube, but in the end I’m just glad to be playing again.

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